【发布时间:2017-03-13】 【作者:/来源:】【关闭窗口】



如:Yesterday he asked me to help him.      I once heard him sing this song.      Have you heard this song sung before?

1. 不同动词接不同的非谓语动词作宾语补足语:


①、asktellteachlikelovewantwould likehelpwishuseshowinviteencourageattractgetchooseorderforcepermitallow + sb + to do结构

②、think, consider, find, feel, suppose, believe, imagine, prove + sb + to be结构

(consider, find, feel, make + it + adj + to do结构注意此结构与上面结构不同,此结构中,it作形式宾语,不定式作真正宾语,而不是宾语补足语)

如:I asked him to give me a cup of tea.   Peter wanted me to help him.

All of us considered him to be a good friend.    He imagined himself to be a scientist.

I found it easy to answer the question.    We consider it a waste of time to go on with the project.

特别注意:hope, agree, demand, suggest等词没有宾语补足语。


如:She felt her heart beating very fast.   Don't keep me waiting for long.

2. 不同的非谓语形式作宾语补足语时与宾语的逻辑关系不同(即与宾语的主被动关系不同):


如:I asked him to go out.    I saw him going out.   He will be seen to be punished tomorrow.   He was seen to have finished doing it.    I found the children looked after well.   

3. 不同的非谓语形式作宾语补足语时与谓语动词的时间关系不同:


如:I asked him to go out.(将发生)   He was said to have gone.(比谓语早)   I saw him go out.(同时,全过程)   I saw him going out.(过程中)   I found him wounded.(及物动词的过去分词作宾补,强调被动,比谓语动词早)    I found the children looked after well.(及物动词的过去分词作宾补,强调被动,与谓语动词同时)   I will have my hair cut. (及物动词的过去分词作宾补,强调被动,比谓语动词更晚)    I found them gone.(不及物动词的过去分词作宾补,不强调被动,已经完成)


1.感官动词seelook at, observewatchnotice; hear, listen to; feel后面可以接四种形式作宾语补足语,see为例。

1see + 宾语 + do (看见……做了……

2see + 宾语 + doing (看见……正在做……

3see + 宾语 + done (看见……被做)

4see + 宾语 + being done (看见……正在被做)


如:Just then he heard someone sing in the next room.(就在那时,他听见有人在隔壁屋子里唱了歌。用省去to的不定式sing,表示唱了歌)---- Just then someone was heard to sing in the next room.

Just then he heard someone singing in the next room. (就在那时,他听见有人在隔壁屋子里唱歌。用现在分词singing,表示正在唱歌)   

I’d like to see the plan carried out soon. (表示一个被动动作)

I heard an English song being sung by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday.(表示一个正在进行的被动动作)

2. 使役动词make, let ,have, get的宾语补足语时,情况各不相同:

1let + 宾语 + do (让…………

     let + 宾语 + be done (让……被做)


如:Don’t let your children play with matches.     Let the work be done immediately.

2make + 宾语 + do (让…………

     make + 宾语 + done (让……被做)

如:He often made us copy the text.       I tried to make me understood by my gestures.


3have + 宾语 + do (让…………

     have + 宾语 + doing (让……持续地做……

     have + 宾语 + done (让……被做)

(have + 宾语 + doing结构用于否定句中表示“容忍”)

如:Mother had me go to the shop and bought some salt.      He has me moving towards the door.      I’ll have my bike repaired tomorrow.      I won’t have you speaking to your mother like that.

4get + 宾语 + to do (让…………

     get + 宾语 + doing (让……开始做……

     get + 宾语 + done (让……被做)